Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Wuss-ass Workout

The steps:

1. Leave work for the day at 7:45, sulking.
2. Step out of office into dark, cold, windy city night.
3. Contemplate getting into cold pool at the end of a half hour journey which includes several minutes of cold, windy walking.
4. Run home to warm apartment, sit on couch, stuff face, and write blog entry.

By the way, my first impulse was to call this the Weenie Workout, until it occurred to me that that sounds like something that would be more appropriately located in the pages of Men's Health. Curiously, the Pussy Workout doesn't sound too hot, either.

Tomorrow! I am getting up early and going swimming before work tomorrow.


Grappledunk said...

Me too! Minus the leaving work at 7:45 thing, though...I made the mistake of going home before going to the pool, and then I couldn't seem to leave.

Tomorrow morning it is.

The Nerdy Fashionista said...

Oh yeah... that couch exerts a MIGHTY strong gravitational pull.